Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That

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Do you remember “Sweet Brown” Wilkins who escaped a fire in Oklahoma in 2012, and had an interview aired which went viral?

Well, it seems that modern day pop-culture has come to Disney.

We went to see Aladdin yesterday, and the Genie referenced “Sweet Brown”!

I’d love to say that it was an awesome show, as good as the Lion King, but it wasn’t. It was good, but it wasn’t great.

And the reason for that is… energy.

The only person in the cast who had any real energy was the Genie. And he was frickin awesome.

But for all it’s incredible costumes, sets and dance routines, the rest of the cast lacking energy took it from something that could have been great, to something that was just good.

And you never want what you do to be just ‘good’.

Energy is everything, whether you’re on-stage, recording an online video or… even writing. Energy is what infuses everything you do with excitement and pleasure. And if you’re not excited and getting pleasure from what you do, then sure as hell nobody else is.

That’s why it’s so important to be building an online business in a niche that you know and love. Anything less, and your energy drops. Your energy drops, and your customers will feel it and begin to drift away.

Talking ‘bout energy, I’m going to head off to the gym. But when I’m back, I’ll be recording some more ‘marketing nuggets’ for you on my YouTube channel.

Go and subscribe to them now, to make sure you get an alert when the next one is uploaded 😉

Catch you in a bit.


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