Alone in the Crowd

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You can be surrounded by hundreds and thousands of people yet feel lonely.

Sometimes you may feel exactly like that online!

You’re surrounded by people who seem to be making this internet marketing thing work for them, but you just can’t get it working yourself.

Wherever you turn you’re reading about online success, but whatever you try it doesn’t happen for you.

That’s lonely.

But I promise you’re not alone.

In fact for every person who’s successful online, there are hundreds of people who aren’t.

And the primary reason for this is… focusing on the wrong thing!

Without fail whenever I tell people I make my living online I get asked a barrage of questions like…

How much do you make?

Do you only work two hours a day?

Is it easy?

How can I make money online?

Those are the wrong questions and if you’re asking them then you’re setting yourself up to fail.

In my experience there are very few people who will succeed when their motivation is only about making money. Yet almost everyone I speak to who’s at the beginning of their online journey are only focusing on making themselves money.

Wrong my pretties.

You’re going to need to change your thinking to ask how you can help other people.

And I don’t necessarily mean how you’re going to help them to make money, it could be how to help them stop their children crying. It doesn’t matter, but you have to want to help them rather than you.

Because if you’re only looking to make money then you’re only looking to help yourself, and that’s going to be as obvious as if you’d dipped your head in green paint.

So stop thinking about yourself. Think about who you want to help and how you want to help them. Think about the knowledge you’ve learned over the course of your life and what would be useful to others.

Then share it with them 😉

When you’re thinking like this, then I can help you to use that to make yourself a living online.


P.S. Don’t forget that however you’re going to help people you will need a mailing list. And you can get free access to the one I use here.

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