BrainFart (what a friggin mess!)

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I wrote recently about social media, and the number of social media channels that are now out there.

Of course, there’s a chance that you didn’t get that email since I cocked up the reputation of with Gmail a few weeks back, and the majority of my mailing list is Gmail!

How did I cock up my reputation?

We’re working with a new delivery server, and when testing I sent emails out to fake email addresses without first adding them to a kill list (which means the emails go to the server but never actually get sent).

So instead of the thousands of test emails not being sent, they got sent, failed because they were fake, and the domain got a reputation for sending bad email addresses.

Which has meant for the last few weeks none of my emails have been going to Gmail inboxes (doh).

Lesson learnt! Don’t do this again.

However, yesterday I started to see light at the end of the tunnel as my emails began going in to Gmail again, so hopefully by the end of the month we’ll be back to normal.

Anyhoo… back to the main event today… social media channels.

If you look at all the social media channels, and if you try to keep up to date with them, they literally make your brain fart with exhaustion.

It’s impossible.

Traditionally I’ve never been much of a social media man, but with one of my companies we’ve started using it a lot.

The biggest decision to make is which channels to focus on. Something I’ve traditionally found very difficult for my personal blog because internet marketers are on all channels, and I’ve never been sure which I’ve personally preferred.

If truth be told, I’m not the biggest fan of social media and would rather it went away, but since that’s not going to happen I’ve gotta join them.

Eventually I decided on Twitter as being my personal focus, and that now links to my Facebook page.

However, recently I’ve been getting into Instagram. Why? Because I generally find it easier than Twitter as it’s just photos.

While using it heavily for one company I’ve discovered a neat, and FREE, tool that’s enabled me to grow my Intsagram accounts at a steady pace.

If you want to know what it is, then head over to the blog post of this email here and share it.

When I get 100 hundred shares on the post I will make my next email the one where I reveal the software and how to use it 😉


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