So… it’s turning out to prove harder to get this email out to you every day at exactly the same time. My morning’s have gone insane. Today we had to go back to Addenbrooke’s for a hospital appointment for Max, which took out the entire middle part of the day. I did …
10 Lead Generation Strategies
So yesterday’s email is kinda late, like an entire day! That’s because yesterday was one of those days where I only managed to sit down and work at 4pm. Today I’m just doing a half day, got some fun things to get up to this afternoon, so I’m doing this email bright …
One portion of fried blood please
Would you eat fried blood? It was a question asked this morning when we were served up black puddings. If you’re not sure what black pudding is, it’s a blood sausage eaten here over in Great Britain and Ireland. Some people love it, some people hate it. Me personally, I love it. …
The 7 Best Free Image Websites
If you’ve got a website, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a personal blog or a business, you’ll have come across the need for images. And it can be damn hard to find images that work with what you’re writing about. Of course, if you’re running a photo blog then you’ll be fine …
A bit of an apology
I’m sorry. I’ve still not finished my guide to using Amazon SES for sending emails. I know, I know. I’m convinced that somebody has shortened the hours between waking up and going to sleep! TBH, I was considering blaming Christmas. But considering I’ve not bought a single Christmas card or present, I …
He’s Out (in both ways!)
It’s just been announced that Kevin Spacey is having his scenes cut from Ridley Scott’s latest movie due to the continuing sexual allegations that are coming out. Is this right or wrong? There’s definitelty a divide in opinion. Something that I certainly feel is that we’re not far away from it not …