Yesterday I went down to London to have a few drinks for a friends birthday. Planning to get their mid-afternoon, but having left in plenty of time, my train got into Kings Cross just before 2pm. So… I had plenty of time to meet another school friend for a quick drink and …
8 Steps To Thousands Of Twitter Followers
The weather is absolutely horrendous in the UK. Here’s a view from my office window: We didn’t get April showers, but we’re sure as hell getting them in June! All I’m praying is that on the 20th July it’s going to be a beautiful sunny day. We have our yearly BBQ that day, …
The 9 Success Elements Of Twitter
In the past I’ve talked about the sheer volume of social media platforms that are available these days, and I probably will do again. For marketers it poses a serious problem. Should you be using them? If so, then which ones should you be using? Or should you be using all of …
Twitter Growth (to the max)
Did know that 82% of Twitter users have less than 350 people following them? That’s nothing. Unless you’re super-engaged with your community there, it won’t benefit you (from a marketing perspective) in any way. Back in 2015 I started a growth plan on Twitter, I had 30 followers when I started it, …
Earlier this week BeeBee went to the vet to have a cyst removed. In order to do the operation they had to shave some of her fur. Something you can’t get away from is that an operation looks way worse when they’ve had to shave a patch of fur! There’s something about …
18 Things Facebook Knows About You (that you don’t!)
Every day that goes past there’s another news story about social media and the amount of data they posess on you, and each time it gets a little bit more freaky. The reason for this, as I personally see it, is because all these social media companies are worth hundreds of millions, …