I got an email from a reader over the weekend…
“I’m doing email marketing, and have a small list, but nobody is opening my emails, do you know why?”
Honestly, that’s an impossible question to answer. There are so many reasons that people may not be opening your emails. Some of the questions you could ask are:
Where do the leads come from?
How quickly do you get in touch with them?
How often do you get in touch with them?
Are you emailing content that’s relevant to what they signed up for?
Is your content entertaining?
What company do you use to send your emails?
Normally I wouldn’t go into this sort of thing. After all, that’s what some of my clients pay me £1500 a day for.
But I was enjoying Oktoberfest, I needed some downtime, so I thought… why the heck not 🙂
All I asked for, was a copy of the last email they sent out.
It came through a few hours later, and I immediately saw the main problem.
Now, that’s not to say that some other issues didn’t exist, they did, but the biggest issue was…
Their FROM address, you know the email that you have as where your email comes from, was a gmail.com address.
No, no, no, no, no.
You can’t do that.
When you send a bulk email, your email is authorised from a server. Basically what happens before someone receives it, is their email provider (for example Hotmail) will check the email that it’s coming from, and then ask the owner of that email address if you have permission to send bulk email.
And guess what happens if you use Gmail for your FROM address?
Gmail respond saying… Hell No. They don’t have permission.
Your email is then immediately trashed before anybody sees it.
Honestly, you should ONLY use email addresses from websites that you own when you send bulk email. This means that you can be sure you have permission.
That means don’t use Hotmail, Gmail, AOL, or any other free email providers for your FROM address in your bulk emails.
Instead use something like contact@michaelwilding.com
And to fix the rest of the issues in your email. Grab a copy of the best online business system in existence…
Yeah, it’s true, I’m probably slightly biased. But that’s what I believe.
What do you think?