eBay Top 10 affiliate tells you how to market

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I do like your emails. A lot.

Hell, I nearly bought something from this one.

What’s going on?

I’ve been a full-time affiliate since 2009, and made it into eBay’s Top 10 affiliates in 4 countries.

I do all this myself. I know all this stuff.

But somehow, it keeps drawing me in.

I’m going to have to buy a copy of Business Ignition because I want to promote it. As soon as you have your affiliate program ready…” – Tim

Thank you Tim.

That’s about the best kinda email you can get!

A  very experienced marketer, who’s been very successful, saying that he:

a) Is struggling not to buy something from me

b) Wants to promote my product

Why is he saying that? Because what I do works 😉

And what I do, is what I teach in Business Ignition!

Email is, without any doubt, the best way to generate business. I mean just check this out…


This shows a small one-day promotion I recently did to a list of just under 5000 people, and it makes two things very clear. The top line is an email promotion to the list of nearly 5000 who know and like me. The second line is a promotion to cold traffic.

FACT NUMBER 1:  I made 552% more profit per click to the email list.

FACT NUMBER 2: 134 more clicks from cold traffic produced $185.47 less profit.

If you are only making $0.19 on cold traffic, then you need to be getting that traffic for no more than $0.10 per click.

The email traffic on the other hand, shows that you need to get those clicks for less than $1.05. And that doesn’t take into consideration that you can email them again and again and again and again and again indefinitely.

What does this mean for you?

It means that you should be 100% focused on building your email list the right way.

Which is what Business Ignition members are doing right now.



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