Finding Your Perfect Customer

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I want to share something today that I learned from Andre Chaperon. He’s one of the few people who’s content I always read and follow and strongly recommend that you do to.

He’s an email marketing master, so pay particular attention to the copy in his emails!

What we want to do is determine your perfect customer.


Because once you know who your perfect customer is, it’s going to be a hell of a lot easier to find the best ways to pull them into your sales funnel!

What you want to do is determine who this person is, what their pain is and what the deepest and most emotional reason is for doing something.

To find the deepest and most emotional reason for doing something you have to ask the question “Why?”.

For example, in the IM niche you would ask “Why do people who buy these products want to learn how to make money online?”

The answer that you need to find to this question is the emotional response. It’s not just because they want to make more money. You want to discover what the emotional attachment is to wanting to make more money.

Perhaps they’re fed up with the 9-5 and want to be their own boss. Maybe it’s because they want to travel and need to be able to earn a living on the road or they could be a housewife whose children are now at school and she wants something she can do from home part-time during the day.

There are lots of answers to this question and even with the simple three answers above we’ve already dug deeper into the type of customer you may have and their emotional reason for wanting to buy what you’re selling.

If you’ve gone through any copywriting courses then you will be familiar with the phrase “pain points”.

Copywriting requires you to touch on a customers pain points so that you can offer a solution to them. You can offer them something that’s going to remove whatever pain they’re experiencing by not buying your products.

And we need to find out what these pain points are if we’re going to determine your perfect customer.

Let’s stick with the IM market for the purposes of this article.

The first thing you need to do is find out where people who are interested in your market talk. To do that go into Google and do some quick searches.

You don’t want to make your search too broad. After all you are unlikely to be selling a product that teaches IM. It’s more likely to teach a sub-category within the niche.

For example, it may be copywriting, email marketing, social media marketing, lead generation etc…

So a search you may choose to do is:

“Copywriting techniques for digital products”


“How to write sales letters”

This will bring up a load of results and you want to make a note of any that have a lot of comments and any that are forums. Active forums are a superb source of information, to find them you can simply add the word “forum” to the end of your searches.

A good example in the IM market is the Warrior Forum which is one of the largest out there and contains sections for elements of internet marketing.

Next you want to determine the demographics of the audience. To do this you can use a site like Quantcast.

Make notes of everything you discover. You want to make notes of problems that are repeated time and again by different people. Discussions that are taking place time and again and the reasons people say they need something to help them time and again.

Put this together with your demographic data and you will end up with between two and five ‘types’ of people that make up your perfect customer. You know everything about them which means you can now determine the product that they’re going to need most to solve their pain and how to market to them.

You should use this approach before you even think of what your product is going to be.

There is no point in making a product that you think your customers are going to want. Find out who your perfect customer is and then discover what they already want.

When you know that you can make a ‘fake’ product and test it for a few hundred dollars to see if it’s something that’s going to be profitable for you to make and sell.

And I’ll show you how to discover whether you have a profitable product before you’ve even made it in another article!

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