How Many Times Should You Send Email Promotions

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The life blood of an online business is it’s mailing list. Despite some people saying that emails are a thing of the past, that’s something that still holds true to today and I don’t know of any successful internet marketer who is not making the majority of their revenue from email marketing.

That being said, CPA marketers are an exception to this rule!

So the big question is how often should you mail your list promotions?

I wish I could say mail them this amount per week and that’s the best.

Unfortunately it’s not that simple.

One thing I can say for 100% certainty is that emailing more often is better than emailing occasionally.

For a long time I used to want to try and preserve my list and treat them with the best respect.

But… if you’re not selling your mailing list anything then you’re not making any money.

The bottom line is that you want buyers on your mailing list.

That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t send them free information and some great content.

You absolutely should, respect them and give them high quality content for free.

That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t sell anything.

As a business every name on your mailing list costs you money just in your auto-responder and so you need to be able to recoup your costs, plus some profit.

So, the first thing to remember is…

Don’t be scared to email your mailing list promotions!

Yes, you’ll get people unsubscribing.

Yes, you’ll get people asking why you’re promoting more.

Just be honest and say that the costs for your business have increased and so you need to increase your promotions to be able sustain the free content you provide.

That’s fair enough.

The perfect mailing list is a mailing list where 100% of subscribers purchases products.

The worst mailing list is a mailing list where 100% of the subscribers never purchase products.

Most mailing lists will sit somewhere between the two, usually (unless a list has been segmented) the majority won’t purchase and the minority will.

Your aim should always be to get a mailing list where 100% of subscribers purchase.

The current prices for an Aweber auto-responder are:

Let’s assume you have the $50 per month package and have maximised it to 10,000 active subscribers (Aweber counts unsubscribed contacts within your limit).

Each subscriber is costing you $0.005 per month or $0.06 per year.

Doesn’t sound like much but…

You will find that most sales come from the same group of buyers.

If you’ve emailed a promotion once a month currently and doing that have only converted 1% of your mailing list into buyers that means only 100 have purchased something.

If the product they purchased is $20 per month then you’re making $2000 per month.

Great! Your auto-responder hosting is costing you $50. Not bad.

But in reality 9900 of your mailing list have never purchased anything. Each of them have cost $0.06 for the year in your mailing list.

9900 x 0.06 = $594

You’ve spent nearly six hundred dollars paying for email hosting for people that have not purchased anything in the last twelve months!

Those leads are costing your money. You could get rid of them all and still make the same amount as you do currently.

When you start sending out more promotions you will convert more people and move your mailing list closer to the 100% of buyers.

Never lose site of that goal.

Of course, if you don’t want to mail your buyers more often then you don’t have to. You can put them on a separate mailing list and continue to email them once a month.

If someone who hasn’t bought something in the last twelve months unsubscribes from your emails then it’s saving you a little bit of money.

There is no perfect amount of promotions to send, you will need to test with your list and what works best for yourself. But remember to only ever send promotions for high quality products that do what they say on the tin.

If you start promoting everything and anything without checking it out then you’ll very quickly find that your list becomes disillusioned and no longer trusts your opinion.

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