How To Make A Self-Liquidating Funnel

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Now you know what a self-liquidating funnel is, let’s look at how you’re going to make one.

There’re number of ways you can make a self-liquidating funnel. The most popular is the one recommended by solo-ad sellers…

After someone’s opted to join your mailing list, send them to a sales page. This can be for your own product or an affiliate product.

If they buy this great, if they close the page then you send them somewhere else using an exit-pop (one of those things that pops up when you try to close the page).

This is then repeated usually for four or even more offers, trying to get the sale.

But no matter what you do, not that many people will buy from you. After all, they don’t know you and have only just opted in!

So you also then need to send them back to those sales pages for the next week via email, very aggressively in order cover your costs.

Does this work? Yes.

Do I like it? No.

It’s not for me. I don’t like aggressive selling. If you don’t want my product then that’s cool, I don’t want to try and persuade you to get something you don’t want. There’re enough people who see the awesome value in them that we don’t want those who don’t.

And I can assure you, those guys you persuade are the ones who won’t put anything you teach into action and then say it doesn’t work.

But the biggest reason I don’t like this approach is because… it forces you to sell immediately after someone has opted in, which prevents you from being able to build trust.

What are the other options?

You can send your leads to your own products. This I don’t mind as much because it stays on brand with you rather than selling someone elses product.

Other options include:

  1. Co-registration (offering other free offers with a check-box and getting paid per lead)
  2. Selling in the follow-up emails only but immediately
  3. Getting CPA offers (promoting products where you get paid for a registration)

Of these three, you should be doing number 2 anyway. So I’m going to skip over that one.

The first, co-registration, is where you get a list of other companies offers and your subscriber selects the ones that they would like to get information from. You get paid depending on which they selected.

CPA offers are promotions such as “make money with surveys”. These companies pay you on a CPA (Cost Per Action) basis. When someone takes the action of registering with their website you get paid.

Both of these work very effectively and can be used in different situations. If you’re going to be focusing on more aggressive promotion rather than building a long-standing content based relationship, CPA offers are most likely the best way.

If you’re wanting to build a long-standing content based relationship then co-registration is almost certainly the best option.

But don’t expect to get this working immediately. If it was easy to get a self-liquidating funnel, everybody would be doing it.

You’ll need to test different offers, different sources of traffic and get the right traffic going to the right offers to get it converting well. That means it will cost you in buying traffic, so only do this when you’ve got some funds to put into it.

I guarantee it won’t work first time, or second time or, to be honest, probably the third or fourth. But those who persevere will have their hard work rewarded by being able to generate leads completely free.

Which is the ultimate online business model, and one that cannot fail.

Till the next time.


P.S. I’m working on something to allow you to use our self-liquidating funnel so you can skip all the testing, I’ll let you know when it’s ready.

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