How To Optimize Your Marketing Emails

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Email marketing is still the king of online marketing. And any successful internet marketer will tell you the same thing.

In the last seven days I’ve received 3068 visitors through email marketing.

So… it’s important to your business to learn how to maximise the opportunities in the emails you send out. And to do that you’re going to need how to craft the optimal email.

Which is exactly what I’m going to show you today.

If you still need convincing as to why you should be focusing on your email marketing, it’s because:

  1. 91% of consumers check their email at least once per day
  2. 66% of online consumers in the US have made at least one purchase as a result of marketing emails

The first stage in constructing your perfect email is…


The Subject Line


This is where you have to grab the attention of your reader, otherwise your email is immediately going in the trash. Or, even worse, being marked as spam.

33% of all emails are opened purely based on the subject line. So it’s important to get it right.

You can boost your open rates by using the following power words in your subject line:

  • Alert
  • News
  • Bulletin
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Sale
  • New
  • Video

It’s worth noting that using the word “monthly” does not perform well. Of course, don’t use these in every email otherwise it will have the opposite effect. But, strategically placed these words will boost the amount of people opening your emails.

Be specific in your subject line. There’s no point in being vague. Your readers want to know exactly what you’re going to tell them and how it helps them in as few words as possible. So let them know!

Make sure you identify yourself in the From field. If your readers don’t know who an email is coming from, then they’re not going to open it.

One of the keys is to make sure that your subject lines ARE NOT repetitive. If your subject lines are similar then within the space of four emails you will see the open rate halve. Keep them fresh, relevant and exciting to engage your audience.

Some other tricks you can use are to highlight key words by using all capital letters, use CTA’s, use urgency, choose topics that are timely and relevant, split test your subject lines to find the perfect one.

Once you’ve optimised the subject line of your email, then you need to…


Optimise The Content Of Your Email


The average adults attention span is 8 seconds. That means that you need to use short paragraphs in your emails if you’re going to keep their attention. Bullet points can also help focus your readers and give them information quickly.

On average people process images 60,000 times faster than text. Using images in your emails can make a big impact if they’re the right for your product.

Overall, it’s most important to clearly show what your offer is and how it will benefit your reader.

Get this right and you will see a massive difference in the results from your promotions.

As well as having good content and information, you need to get your readers to perform the actions you want them to. And to do this you need to:

  • Only focus on one action in an email, i.e. going to one specific sales page
  • Make sure your CTA link or button is clear and distinctive
  • Always have a CTA above the fold so users don’t need to scroll down
  • Include multiple CTA links or buttons throughout your email

The last step in optimising your emails is to make sure that they’re…


Optimised For Mobiles


89% of marketers lose leads because their emails aren’t optimised for mobiles. Make sure that you’re not one of them by:

  1. Making sure text links and CTA buttons are at least 45-57 square pixels so that they can be pressed by a finger easily
  2. Keep links separated to prevent accidental clicking
  3. Reduce image size, for every 1 second delay in loading you’ll experience a 7% drop in conversion

If you really want to optimise your images for mobile then you should set the height to automatically adjust based on the width of the screen.

You now have in your hands everything that you need to do to make sure that you have optimised your emails to the max. Implement all of these steps when you send your marketing emails and watch your conversion increase.

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