It happened just a couple of days ago. I’m in freefall.
My Twitter account broke through the 5000 followers barrier, and that seems to be the barrier where my account is now growing itself.
In the last twenty four hours I’ve had 140 new followers, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down.
I was late to the Twitter party.
But then I’m always late to the party. Don’t the cool kids always arrive late? 😉
Anyhoo… there are folk who believe you should jump onboard something the minute it arrives, be the first in, make a big splash, get large followings before everybody else, and then sit as the king of the heap until the next thing arrives.
And I can see why some folk do that.
Me… I think that’s just hard work.
I want to know something’s going to stay around for a long time. I want to see other people have success with it first,. before I invest hours of my time in something.
Because here’s the thing… I know what I currently do works.
So why would I want to spend my most valuable asset, time, trying to figure out something else when it hasn’t been tried and tested.
I don’t.
I’ll continue doing what I know makes me money in the shortest amount of time possible, and I’ll let all those folk who like to be the first on something do the testing for me.
When they’ve done that, and if it proves to work, then I’ll jump on-board and build my own strategy and approach.
Which is exactly what I did with Twitter.
I only got started seriously on Twitter about a year ago. And when I say ‘seriously’, I mean I spend about 20 minutes a week on it.
Since then, I’ve grown to thousands of followers, and have now hit freefall where my account is growing on its own.
Am I making any money from it?
Well yeah, because quite a few of those folk are now on my mailing list, and I’m getting enquiries for consulting on a weekly basis through Twitter.
Wanna know how to do it?
Then you better check out how to crush Twitter in this months issue of…
Which goes to the printer next week!
What do you think?