I’ve got twenty one seconds to go

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Do you remember that song from the So Solid Crew?

I don’t know if they made it over to the US, but for a while, over ten years ago, they were huge in the UK.

Their biggest song was called 21 Seconds, and it certainly gave a feeling of urgency.

Luckily for you, you’ve got a bit longer before this month’s Business Ignition is printed. Until the end of the day to be precise.

Inside it I show you…

* The S.T.E.M. business model

* A rapid growth acceleration program

* The Godfather’s guide to social media

* How to prevent yourself burning out with social media posts

* Guaranteeing your getting noticed in the right places

* Becoming a Facebook rockstar

* The crackling pit of internet marketing doom

* The one and only thing that actually matters

* Rocketing your conversion rate

* The magic multiplier coin trick

* Why most marketers go mad, and how to prevent it happening to you

* Getting images for your blog posts in seconds

* Massaging the emotional socks of your prospect

* Marketing broken down into three simple steps

Damn, that’s a lot of juicy goodness. And it’s all yours right here…



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