I’ve never felt pleasure like this…

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The last two weeks have been amongst the most stressful in my life. Fourteen days ago today, we were told that are first child, due on the 12th November, had severely enlarged ventricles in his brain.

This meant being rapidly referred to a specialist, Holly having a lot of scans, including an MRI on the baby.

During this time we were told all the possible outcomes. Most of which including severe neurological damage.

Yesterday, we went to see the foetal specialist and the paediatric neurosurgeon to get the results of the MRI.

It was the moment we’d been waiting for, and dreading, in equal measures.

Thank god, it turned out that while his ventricles were severely enlarged, it looks to be isolated to the ventricles. They can’t see any other damage to his brain, which is what we were dreading.

This means that we go back to normal, everything happens as normal, we welcome him to the world when he’s ready and then keep an eye on his development. If we see anything happening either with his ventricles or his development, then the specialists will jump on it damn quickly, and we’ll deal with it then.

We were ecstatic. In the space of a few hours we went from being in the very likely position of having to make a very difficult decision, to having all that stress removed and the decision taken away.

I’ve honestly never felt pleasure like it.

We consider ourselves to be incredibly lucky, not only for this result, but also to have been surrounded by friends and family who couldn’t have been more supportive and caring.

Truly I feel blessed.

It’s when things like this happen in life that everything gets put into perspective.

The times when I’ve got stressed about my business now seem so insignificant as not to matter.


Because they can always be fixed, worked around and solutions found.

It doesn’t matter where you’re at with your online bizniss, if you know in your gut that you’ll succeed, if you believe in yourself, then I guarantee you will.

If you want some help along the way, then this is my personal recommendation.


Yeah, I wrote it so I’m kinda biased, but I think it’s the quickest way to get to six figures online that you’ll find.


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