It’s been pretty quiet from me recently, and that’s because we’ve got a ton of things going on in one of my busiest websites, The Race Advisor.
If you’re interested in horse racing, you can check it out here.
Because of that I’ve been a bit quiet on my emails here.
So… since we’ve got a bunch of them happening, I thought I’d talk to you about launches today.
There was a time when everybody and his dog were doing Jeff Walker style launches.
These are the ones where you optin to a video sequence, usually four, and the first one tells you why the person is an authority, the second is about how to solve your problem, the third is proof and the fourth is the launch.
Thing about these launches is… everybody knows about them.
Which means that unless you’re in a market that doesn’t have very many digital product launches, people already know what’s coming.
Whether this makes a difference or not, I’m not sure, there are too many potential variables to be able to track it accurately.
But I do know this…
…they take a shite load of work to put together.
I mean huge amounts.
So I started to mix it up, doing much simpler launches, changing things around and appealing to the immediate desires that people have.
There’s a school of thought which says you shouldn’t make people wait ten days or longer to purchase a product when they want to give you money now.
And they’ve got a point.
Having now done nearly fifty different launches, in different styles, I’ve learned a few things about launching products.
Here are the key points to take away…
1) The style of launch doesn’t matter.
2) If you sell immediately or in ten days doesn’t matter.
3) Videos or sales copy doesn’t matter.
4) The button colour doesn’t matter.
The only things that matter are:
* A very high quality product that over-delivers
* Excellent sales copy, whether it’s video or text
* A price point that matches your buyers expectations for the quality and value of the product (often higher is better)
* Hot traffic from your own list and affiliate partners
Those four things are the essentials, everything else may make a small difference, but generally the amount of effort, time and money that goes into creating huge launches can be skipped, and with no dentriment to your bottom line.
So you know what… skip it!
What do you think?