So yesterday I was stripping.
Stop undressing me with your mind.
Not that kinda stripping. The kinda stripping that you do when you’ve got a baby due in a few weeks, and still haven’t got the room sorted, because you’ve been having all kindsa fun running your internet businesses.
My mum came up to help, and she’s a trooper. When I was flagging, she was still going strong. And considering we started at 7:00am and finished at 8:20pm, that’s pretty damn impressive.
We only stopped for a lunch break, and I stopped mid-morning to do my days work (a couple of hours).
Otherwise we went straight through.
And boy, was it damn hard work. It’s because we’ve got wooden panelling that’s been painted over for the last thirty years, and we’re trying to take it back to the wood, so we can see all the intricate beading around it.
Here’s what it currently looks like…
That’s about a third of the room, and my mum’s on the ladder, so we reckon we’ve got another two or three days of hard grind to get it finished.
But it’s gonna be awesome.
Because as we strip the room back, we find stuff that was put there about 250 years ago (around when the house was built).
Once we we’ve got everything stripped back, then we can start building again.
Which is what you need to be doing to ya bizniss.
There’s no point in just carrying on doing what your doing if it doesn’t work. You need to strip back, go to the bare basics, and then start again from there, building slowly so you know you’re doing what works.
That’s what I teach in Business Ignition, and those folk are absolutely rockin’ it.
What do you think?