Radio Silence

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It’s been nearly a week since my last email. Which is pretty unusual for me. The reason for that is my dad died unexpectedly last week.

And to be honest I’ve been struggling.

Then I saw a reply to the post I made in Facebook.

The lesson that cost me a fortune and then saved me a lifetime of work: Only focus on the things that matter.

The reply was…

“Don’t sweat the small stuff”. Thanks for the reminder.

And that hit home today.

I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching, asking a lot of questions and talking almost non-stop about my dad.

Then I saw that reply on FB and thought… it’s time to start writing again. It’s time to share some of the incredibly important things which, in some cases, I already knew but had lost to the noise of life. Others are completely new realisations.

But right now I want to remind you that… the small stuff really doesn’t matter.

If you don’t keep reminding yourself of that then your life gets taken over with the small stuff, while the big stuff gets pushed to the background.

It’s exactly the same in business and is commonly referred to as the Pareto principle or the 80/20 law.

80% of your success WILL come from 20% of your work.

Which means, unless you’re already kinda amazing, that… 80% of the stuff you’re doing right now you don’t need to be doing.

You could be spending that time with your family and friends with pretty much no change in the amount of money you earn or the success of your business.

So one recommendation…

Go and do it. Right now. Don’t sit on the fence. Make it happen today.


P.S. Thank you for all the feedback on my magazine in our private FB group. I’m in the process of writing a book on free traffic generation and will also be putting together a monthly magazine to go with it. I’ll let you know more soon.

P.P.S. If you haven’t joined the private FB group yet, then why the heck not! Come and request access here.

P.P.P.S. I may not be writing an email every day again just yet, but will be writing at least one a week and then I’ll build back up from there.

P.P.P.P.S. Don’t forget to support our sponsors.

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