I’ve just cleaned out 97% of my mailing list.
*deep breath* *deep breath* *deep breath*
It’s a terrifying thing to do, but sometimes it can reap massive rewards.
I removed everybody who hasn’t opened an email or clicked a link in the last 30 days.
Generally I do this over a six month period, but I know I’ve got a bunch of dead leads in my list, so… I figured it was time to give a one-off heavy duty clean.
In a thirty day period, on average, only 3% of my mailing list were interacting.
Over a 180 day period this obviously increased, but I’m only interested in the regular readers.
Has it helped?
Because since I did it,ย I’ve increased my open rates by 50%!
That means I’m now getting 50% more emails opened than I was with a list that was 97% larger.
Get your head round that one.
Here’s what happens…
If you have a big list and you get a 10% open rate. That’s great, but it’s a pretty low interaction, which means a bunch of the email providers will be putting your email into spam or slowing down the speed of delivery to the inbox once they’ve accepted the email.
Not so good.
A huge clear up and suddenly you’re getting a 30%, 40%, 50% or even higher open rate.
Damn…ย people must friggin love you!
Now the email providers think that everybody wants to get your email, so it gets delivered quickly and to the inbox.
The result = more people opening your emails from a significantly smaller mailing list.
It’s not rocket science, but dumping 97% of the list is like taking a punch to head psychologically. It’s tough, but when you do it and it works.
Have an awesome weekend,
P.S. Get your free autoresponder account atย https://goo.gl/rF647L
P.P.S. The link above only lasts for four more days, I may create another one, I may not.
What do you think?