Sometimes I’m just a dick

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Sometimes you just do things that make you feel like a moron.

For example, I just wrote you a long email and didn’t hit the Save button.

I mean FFS. Anybody would think I’ve only just started doing this!


The second version is gonna be shorter.


Before I deleted the email, I was saying that if you’re an affiliate marketer or want to be an affiliate marketer then the key to making money is:

Promoting high quality, high converting products

And preferably the ones that have good customerĀ support.

Today the Megabook has just been launched, and it’s the bible to theĀ highest converting affiliate programs on the planet.

It doesn’t matter what niche you work in, if there’s an affiliate progrm that converts for it,Ā it will be in there.

Honestly the amount of time Philip, the writer, must have spent putting this together brings a tear to my eye.

Quite simply…

If you are an internet marketer and want to make money online, then you need this book to findĀ the highest paying affiliate programs.



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