Stop whinging like a little b***h!

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Time and again I see grown adults whinging, and without fail they always begin with…

I can’t do that because…

Man it makes me mad. Like it seriously pisses me off.

If you’re starting any sentence with that, then go and be the Jo Schmo who spends their life doing things for other people, because you ain’t never gonna make it on your own.

Starting your sentence with that is self-defeating. And if you’re going to start by trying to defeat yourself, then you’ve got no hope.

You have to believe in yourself, because, sure as shit, nobody else will, if you don’t.

So grow a pair, stand up, and be counted.

Who cares if you say you’re going to do something and fail at it first time, or second time, or third time, or twenty times.

The only people who’ll say anything, are those schmucks who start their sentences like the one above. The ones who’re never going to get anywhere, the ones who’ll try and bring you down to their level.

But you… at least you tried and failed, and then kept trying and failing, and will keep trying and failing until you succeed.


Unless you try and fail, you’ll never succeed!

And what’s the simplest way to succeed online?

Build an audience.

The simplest, quickest and cheapest way to build an audience?

By starting a mailing list.

You need nothing other than an optin form, a one-page website and an autoresponder.

I use Thrive Leads to build my email lists, it allows me to build new optin forms in less than 15 minutes, and they convert like batshit crazy.


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