So… it turned out that I did absolutely no writing while I was away for a couple of days with Holly! Which means that it’s going to be a bit longer until you receive my epic guide on how to get started with Amazon SES. On the journey to Newcastle, we discovered …
The sexy sound of silence
Yes… it’s been quiet from me for the last few days. But I’ve been busy writing something that you’re gonna freakin love! It’s a guide on how to setup the MailWizz email software, just twenty seven bucks, with Amazon SES for… …super fast, super cheap, super inbox email delivery! I was going …
$110,000 raised for homeless veteran
Sometimes everything breaks, and it feels like shite. Just last night, at about midnight, I discovered that I’d messed up the bounce settings on my mailing software, so it wasn’t receiving bounces properly. When I discover something like that I have to fix it there and then, even if it’s midnight. So …
I fought an 18 tonne lorry, and won!
What a day! This email is kinda late for me. Why? Because an 18 tonne arctic truck reversed into our driveway wall this morning, which kinda messed up the entire day. Ironically, it turned out he was delivering a pretty small package! Since we’ve had bigger trucks up the driveway, delivery huge …
BrainFart (what a friggin mess!)
I wrote recently about social media, and the number of social media channels that are now out there. Of course, there’s a chance that you didn’t get that email since I cocked up the reputation of with Gmail a few weeks back, and the majority of my mailing list is Gmail! …