Wow, that’s Christmas finished.
Okay, so it’s not actually finished, there’s a few more days of Christmas joy left, but the main event’s over.
The build up seems to take so long, and the day seems to go so fast!
Our day didn’t really go to plan as my grandad had to go to hospital. However, we have one of my best friends staying with his family, which was superb, and they took care of everything while I was doing the hospital run.
I hope that your Christmas was far less eventful.
Now that we’re in the home run for the end of 2017, it’s a nice time to wrap things up, look at the year that’s gone and make decisions about the year that’s coming.
Over the next few days, when there’s a couple of hours with not much to do, write down a list of things that you did in 2017 in your business. Make a note of which worked and which didn’t (don’t guess actually check your sales or the measurement you use for success).
Once you’ve done this make another note of which took the most time and effort to implement.
You’ll find that there’s a few things which were very successful and didn’t take a huge amount of time and effort.
Those immediately get moved forward to implement again in 2018, and possibly build on if possible.
Next look at the items on your list which were successful but took a lot of time and effort. Move these over to be re-considered in 2018, but before you start them again you need to try and make them more efficient.
Anything else on your list can be scrapped.
Finally, you should put two or three things on your 2018 list to try out.
This approach means that you’ve got some things that work well being implemented straight away. The things which were successful but took too much time and effort will be evaluated and improved upon, and you’ll also be trying two or three things which you’ve not yet done.
It’s the perfect plan for the next year, it gives you and your business direction, and it only takes a couple of hours to put in place.
Then you can go back to your festive drinks 😉
Have a great Boxing Day.
What do you think?