The big droop

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I literally cannot believe it’s five days until Christmas!

Sometimes I’d swear that someone is reducing the amount of days in the year.

Max is now walking, so yesterday we installed all the baby gates around the house in order to keep him contained.

We also had great news… his neurosurgeon has said she doesn’t need to see him for another year (woohoo!).

The sad news is we may have to buy a new Christmas tree tomorrow because ours has got the big droop, and Holly refuses to have a drooping Christmas tree on Christmas day.

Yesterday, we learnt that when you get a Christmas tree you’re supposed to scrape the bark off the bottom of it.

Apparently when the trees are cut they seal themselves at the bottom, which prevents them being able to take water in, effectively killing them.

However, if you scrape the bark off around the bottom they can then start drinking again, which will keep them alive for longer.

The only question now is… how are we going to do this on a fully decorated Christmas tree without it going horrendously wrong?

I’ve got no idea, but we’re going to give it a damn good try. I’ll let you know the results 😉

In the meantime I may try and find some sort of Christmas tree magic juice to put in the water to bring it back to it’s glory days of just over a week ago.

*big breath*

I’m off to try and scrape the bark off the tree.

Catch you tommorrow,


P.S. I’m starting to get more active of Instagram and I’d love to connect with you there. Here’s my link:

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