I’ve always been an advocate of the single-optin for email addresses.
But now we have this thing called… GDPR.
It’s taking place in Europe, and it’s creating a storm.
You know something serious is happening when every major company starts sending emails requiring you to re-optin to their emails.
But I’m not going to be talking about GDPR in this email.
Because I don’t want to bore your s**tless, and there’s loads of websites with the information on it.
However, here’s the bottom line:
You have to be able to prove that someone specifically requested to be on your mailing list.
And the problem with single-optin is… potentially it can be very difficult to do that!
So, I’m moving to double-optin.
It’s not to do with the leads being more responsive or converting better.
In my experience they don’t.
It’s to do with the fact that it’s the only way I can be 100% sure that someone has specifically requested to receive my emails.
And to be honest, it’s a pain in the ass.
Hey ho, needs must.
I expect it’s only a matter of time until the rest of the world starts implementing the same kind of data protection acts, so I may as well bite the bullet now.
Which is also why I’d recommend you do too if you market to anybody in the EU.
But a heads-up, it’s not just about people living in the the EU!
If someone from the USA joins your mailing list while they’re in Europe, they come under the legisilation. It’s about where the person is when they enter your mailing list, not where they live.
You can go through all the legislation and work out how you need to confirm you can prove you have specific permission to email someone, but it’s easier to just go double-optin.
I know, because I’ve spent the last three months trying to work out the best way to do it!
C’est la vie,
P.S. There’s a number of us registered to use Zuzaman (my free autoresponder) now, but very few people actually sending emails, so I’m going to give access publically.
If you’ve still not got access, here’s the link:
What do you think?