The Quick Guide To Lead Magnet Creation

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The quickest and most effective way to generate leads on the internet is what is now commonly known as a lead magnet.

Lead magnets are giveaways that you offer in return for someone subscribing to your mailing list.

Some possible lead magnets could include:

  • PDF Guide
  • Audio Guide
  • Video Course
  • Webinar
  • Live Event
  • Live Blogging Event
  • Access To A Facebook Group
  • Physical Product
  • Software

In recent years it’s been common for marketers, particularly those in MMO, to offer lead magnets with huge promises and then fail massively to deliver them.

If you’re looking to build a serious mailing list of people who love what you are doing and want to buy your products, then this IS NOT the way to go about it.

Your first contact with a new lead is crucial, first impressions count, and you should do everything in your power to over-deliver.

Any lead magnets that you put together should be sellable in their own right. The quality needs to be high enough that you could charge for them if you wanted to. Anything less and you’re not doing your job properly.

But where do you get ideas for your lead magnets?

Inspiration can be tough if you’re not sure where to find it. However, once you know a couple of tricks (which I’m going to share with you in a moment) you will find yourself able to create endless ideas for your lead magnets.

Here you go, everything you need to be able to create endless lead magnets of super-high quality…


Stage 1 – Research

NEVER miss this stage out. There will come a time when you know your market so well that you will already have a list with a range of ideas. But… always make sure that they’re still relevant to your market. Times change and markets move on.

Create a new document and title it with the name of your niche.

Underneath write out a list of sub-niches.

These are all the areas that you can use to create your lead magnets.

Choose one of them.

Find every major forum and make a list of the problems that your market are having in this sub-niche.

You will find a bunch of them. Next to each write a tally of how many replies each thread with a problem has. This allows you to score the likely effect of your lead magnet. You only need to do this for the first couple of pages in each forum.

What you have done is made a list for each sub-niche that shows exactly what troubles your potential customers are trying to overcome and provided you with a number to indicate the quantity of people struggling with each one.

Once you’ve done this, you can move on to…


Stage 2 – Designing Your Lead Magnet

The next stage of the process is to design your lead magnet. You may be wondering why we’re designing it., after all you could just start creating it.

But designing is very important for two reasons, and you should be designing them whether it’s a PDF or piece of software.

The reason that you want to design your lead magnet is so that it’s structured well, provides everything that your subscribers will need to solve their issue and… so you can get someone else to create it for you if you want to. More on that later.

Designing your lead magnet is very quick and simple. Choose the problem that your going to solve for your subscribers. I personally start with the most common one and then move down the list, and this is what I would recommend you do.

Then get a new piece of paper and write down a summary of how you’re going to solve this problem.

Underneath this write a list of everything that you need to be able to do in order to put your solution into action and then… re-arrange the order of this list to make sure that everything is the correct order to allow someone to follow it.

You have now completed the design of your lead magnet.


Stage 3 – Creating Your Lead Magnet

Now you’ve reached this stage you’ll be pleased that you designed your lead magnet because…

…it’s the complete plan to it.

If you’re creating it yourself then you can go through the design putting together each section in order.

And if you want to get someone else to create it then you can give them your design which outlines each section of your lead magnet in detail and let them provide you with a product that just needs you to edit.

Using the process outlined in this post will not only enable you to create endless ideas for lead magnets that are going to make your audience into a raving fan base, but it will also enable you to outsource the work of creating the lead magnet when you have designed it.

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