I thought that today I would share with you a powerful way to build an auto-responder sequence inside InfusionSoft.
The InfusionSoft Campaign Builder is an incredibly powerful piece of kit. But, most people only scratch the service of using it the way it can be.
Of course, simple campaigns can be very effective.
But, you can make advanced campaigns that not only build trust with your audience but put them through a long-running sales funnel that can make a massive increase on your ROI.
The slight snag is… it can be a bit confusing!
I’m about to simplify for you one of the most powerful campaign structures I’ve developed yet. It both provides powerful content and sells, at the right times and the right products to the right people.
So here’s how you do it…
Start by creating a new campaign:
This will ask you to name your campaign and then bring you to the Edit tab.
The first thing we’re going to do is work from top to bottom instead of left to right.
Most InfusionSoft users work in the Campaign Builder from left to right. Which makes sense as we read from left to right and someone would enter the campaign first (on the left) and make their way through it until they finish it on the right.
But… if you’re building big campaigns, and trust me you’re going to want to if you want to automate your income, then this starts to become unmanageable from a visual point of view.
So instead…
…we build our campaign funnel from top to bottom.
A prospect will come in at the top of your funnel and work their way through it to the bottom.
From a funnel perspective working from top to bottom actually makes more sense because you may want multiple ways of a prospect entering the same funnel and you’ve got the entire width of your screen to use for them.
Let’s assume that for the moment you have a single web form as the way for a prospect to enter your campaign and we then send them straight into an email sequence.
All good so far.
Now inside this email sequence you are going to want to start by setting some tags. Everything in InfusionSoft works on tags and they are incredibly powerful when used correctly.
Inside your Email Sequence 1 you would have something that looks like this:
Let’s talk through this. First of all we are applying some tags, these would be:
- Started Campaign Tag
- Started Campaign Email Sequence 1-4 Tag
- Website Blog Reader Tag (if you’re also adding them to your general broadcast emails as well)
Next we have to remove some tags. This is a step that a lot of people forget but is very important.
There is one set of crucial tags that you should remove:
- Any Inactive Contact Tags
If you’re regularly cleaning your list so that only the active people continue to receive your emails, then you’re going to have a bunch of Contacts that have an inactive tag.
You want to remove this tag when they re-optin to get whatever you’ve offered as a lead magnet for this campaign.
These tags will be applied and removed almost instantaneously when someone goes into this sequence and then they’ll get the first email. This can be your welcome, the lead magnet you offered them and information on what to expect from you over the coming days and weeks.
All good so far.
Next we come to a Time Delay icon which is where you’d set the delay between your emails. This is likely to be different for each site depending on whether you’re sending broadcast emails as well.
If you’re not then you can schedule this based purely on the content, if you are then I find scheduling the sequence emails in the evening three to five days a week works very well because broadcasts can then be sent in the mornings on the other days and you know they’ll never cross over.
You can then see there is a repetitive pattern. We have the second email in our sequence followed by a time delay, the third email in our sequence followed by a time delay and the fourth email followed by another Apply Tags function.
This Apply Tags function simply adds a tag that says:
- Finished Campaign Email Sequence 1-4 Tag
You now know when someone began the campaign, when they started email sequence 1-4 and when (or if) they finished it. And this information can be used at any time.
But now we get to where the power lies…
Let’s say that your emails two, three and four were building up to the possibility of a product you’re going to sell.
For example, your leads have opted in to learn how to become super-affiliates. You’ve given them a guide as the lead magnet and then started your email sequence by showing them how to find super-profitable niches.
But finding these niches is time-consuming, and instead you can offer them a piece of software or a done-for-you service which is going to reduce that time consuming job down to just a few minutes.
Pretty awesome.
But… not everyone is going to be interested in this.
Not everyone who joins your campaign is going to want to even discover profitable niches first, they may want to test a whole range of niches with one traffic source to see which generates a positive ROI for them.
So there’s not going to be any point in selling them a product to find profitable niches. We only want to sell this product to people who are interested in following that particular avenue.
By doing that we generate a list of people who love what you’re teaching them because you’re giving them a complete education of the different ways they can achieve their desires, but at the same time you’re never trying to sell them something that doesn’t interest them.
The question is…
How do we determine whether someone is interested in this type of product?
Luckily, it’s very simple.
In emails two, three and four we provide a link somewhere else. This could be to a blog post, or a bonus PDF guide which gives more advanced techniques, a video guide, podcast etc…
Whenever they click on one of these links we tag them!
We would apply two tags, one that says they clicked on the link to download the advanced PDF and one that applies what I call an Interest Tag.
An Interest Tag is simply a list of interests within the niche you are marketing to. For example, in IM you may have:
- Profitable Niche Discovery
- Copywriting
- Conversion
- Landing Page Design
- Website Building
- Free Traffic
- Paid Traffic
And of course there are many more. You can also tag them with the type of content they’re interested in receiving. e.g.
- Video
- Podcasts
- Blog Posts
Now you can segment the people out who are interested in Profitable Niche Discovery. And when you’ve had a decent amount of traffic through you will be able to see what format the majority of people are going to prefer your content delivered in.
As we can now segment out the people who are like interested in profitable niche discovery, we can move on to the next stage:
Now we’re starting to build our campaign out nicely. When someone finishes Email Sequence 1 they will go into the decision diamond.
This diamond will look like:
The top section is the Rules For: Profitable Niche Discovery Sales Sequence and the bottom section is the Rules For: Email Sequence 2.
Adding the rules is a very simple process…
In the top half you want to set it so that any Contact who has the Tag you’ve set for the interest in finding Profitable Niches will be sent to the Profitable Niche Discovery sequence.
In the bottom half you want to set it so that any Contact who doesn’t have the Tag you set for the interest in finding Profitable Niches will be sent to the Email Sequence 2.
There are two last elements in this campaign that we haven’t mentioned:
- The Purchase Product Goal
- The Connections from Purchase Product and Sales Sequence to Email Sequence 2
We use the Purchase Product Goal and connect our sales sequence to it. In this goal we set the goal as a purchase of the product we are selling.
This means that when a prospect purchases this product then the sales sequence will stop. We then connect this Goal to the Email Sequence 2 because once someone has purchased the product we want them to continue on their journey through our funnel by getting our content based emails again.
We also connect the Profitable Niche Discovery Sales Sequence to our Email Sequence 2 because if someone goes through the entire sales sequence but doesn’t buy, we still want them to carry on through our funnel as they may purchase other products.
And what you can do now is… rinse and repeat these steps throughout each stage of your campaign.
The structure is:
- Educational content about how to achieve a goal, this links to external information so contacts can be tagged with an interest and pre-sells the product that will make it easier.
Leading into…
- A sales sequence for the related product which is sent only to those people who have shown an interest.
Using this approach you can create an incredibly powerful funnel that not only converts but turns your prospects into raving fans.
If you’ve got any questions on how to implement this then please leave me a comment. In another post I’m going to show you how you can double your conversion rates using InfusionSoft in 3 simple steps.
Nicola Cairncross
January 6, 2015Awesome post Michael, have shared and tweeted for you!
Quick question, could you just show how you would add in a purchase follow up sequence too as you’ll need to tag your new customers and send them an email to get their product or service…..
Or don’t you do that?
Michael Wilding
January 10, 2015Thanks Nicola, sorry for the delayed reply. I do send a post purchase follow up sequence but it’s outside of this main funnel. I have found that if you put all of your post-purchases funnels into their own campaign (within a niche) then this can be linked into another sequence that keeps your members active and engaged. I will get an article written about how I do that 🙂