Two smoking barrels

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Once again I’ve gone a bit quiet, this time because whilst about to move my mother-in-law up to her new home last weekend, my grandfather was suddenly taken very ill and I had to rush him into hospital.

Which means that I’m now juggling running a couple of businesses, going to the hospital at least twice per day, Max, moving my mother-in-law in and trying to relax.


Yeah, well there’s plenty of time to do that later 😉

For now, I wanted to talk about nested loops.

I wrote about it in Business Ignition not long ago, and I thought it was something I should bring up in this newsletter.

(plus, later this month, I’m going to show you how to get Business Ignition for just $7!)

So what the heck is a nested loop?

It’s defined as:

nested loop join is a naive algorithm that joins two sets by using two nested loops.


That’s what I thought when I read that.

Let me give you my explanation, which is the only one I understand.

Essentially, when you write a story you use loops to get people to keep reading/watching.

These loops are questions in the story that you open so your audience will want to stay with the story until they’re answered.

It’s the hallmark of good storytelling.

Think of every good TV series you watch, they all finish with a question to make sure you come back next episode.

Nested loops are where you open lots of questions, but only answer a few of them.

This means at anyone time your audience have lots of questions they want to be answered.

The perfect example of this is Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels.

Throughout the movie lots of loops (questions) are opened, but very few are answered.

You keep watching because you want to know what’s going to happen to all these questions.

And then… at the end… they’re very cleverly all closed in one go.

In fact, I think it’s one of the most magnificent endings of any movie.

So your homework today, should you choose to accept it, is to go and watch Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels.

Pay close attention to all the new loops being opened throughout the story, and then how and when they’re closed.

It’s an example of storytelling at it’s finest, which is exactly what you must do if you want to be a good marketer.


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