Waaahahhhahhhahh (boom boom)

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Do you work to music?

Some days I like working to music, and some days I like working in silence.

At the moment I’m listening to The Greatest Showman soundtrack, and it’s freakin awesome!

Here’s the spotify link if you want it:


The whole album is great, but there are a couple of songs which I just love, particularly track 1, 5 and 11.

There’s just one problem…

I like singing to it.

And that’s not just a problem for everyone else in the house, it’s also a problem for me because it means I lose focus on what I’m doing.

In fact I’m singing to it as I write this email ๐Ÿ˜€

But listening to music isn’t just about getting you focused, which it can do brilliantly, it’s also about it putting you in the right mood for whatever work you’re doing.

This morning we started work on our bathrooms and kitchen, which means I am starting a bit late, that means I have two less hours to get through everything that I need to get through.

So I need focus and speed.

That means I need music, loud, feel good with a strong beat so it keeps me going.

Most of my playlists are made by Holly for me, and if you want to check them out on Spotify, here are the links for my current favourite three:




They all come from Holly’s Spotify account, I just follow her ๐Ÿ˜‰

If you’ve got any playlists that you want to share with me on Spotify, hit me up with them on Twitter atย https://twitter.com/mikeywilding

Over and out. I’m off to sing to some more music!


P.S. Yes I am that guy in a guy who sings at full volume behind the steering wheel while sitting in a traffic jam.

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