What happens in a really cold country?

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I’m over at my mums this morning giving Max breakfast. It’s the standard routine while we’re having our kitchen re-done.

Their house is hot.

Like 23-24 degrees hot.

My grandad needs to have the temperature very high to keep himself warm.

At the moment the house can’t get above 21 degrees.

And my question is…

What do they do in countries where it gets to -40?

Is it to do with more insulation?

Admittedly we live in a listed building, which means the insulation isn’t as good as it may otherwise be.

However, we isulated as much as possible and it’s a brand new heating system.

Or is it to do with having more radiators, or more powerful radiators?

Either way they must do something better (or different) than we do here.

Which wouldn’t surprise me.

If we get the wrong kind of rain all our public transport comes to a grinding hault!

With that pondering over I’m off to build a snowman,


P.S. Any answers to the above question gratefully received.

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