When An Auto-Responder Becomes Dangerous

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Emails are the life-source of most internet marketers. It’s their bread and butter, where they make the majority of their profits from.

Part of the bread and butter is auto-responders because you can write an email once and whenever someone joins you’re mailing list they get the emails.


It gets better!

Because you can write a sequence of emails lasting a week, a month or a year and these emails both provide awesome content and sell your products.

And you only have to do it once and anybody who joins your mailing list gets these emails for as long as you have them written for.

Pretty cool.

And there’s a reason why almost every internet marketer uses it and recommends using it.

So, you’re probably wondering in what situation they can become dangerous.

I mean:

  • You write the emails once
  • You sell forever

Surely there is no downside.

There’s an upside and a downside to everything, and auto-responders are no different.

The emails that have always got the best response for me are the emails that are personal.

The ones that chat about what I’ve been doing and what’s going on in the world.

The benefit of auto-responders is that you only have to write an email once, which is awesome, but that also means that you can’t put what’s happening to you at the moment in place.

That’s not so bad, you can still make them personal and sound like you’re in the moment. You just have to think about it when you’re writing them.

What’s the real danger is…

Sending too many emails.

As well as selling your own products in your auto-responder you may have affiliate products as well.

But outside of your auto-responder people are still creating products and if you want JV partners when you launch a product then you need to promote other peoples launches.

And the problem is…

You have no idea how many emails someone is getting.

Imagine they sign up to your free offer of an ebook and they’re getting a three month auto-responder sequence.

Then they sign-up to your free course and that gives them a two month course of two lessons a week.

Then they sign up to some free software you made and they get the emails from their as well.

Now you need to promote a partners launch and, in the worst case scenario, your leads could be getting three sales emails on the same day!

That’s just too much.

By having so many points of entry onto your mailing list and so many auto-responders you have lost control of the amount of emails that you’re leads are getting.

I do know some people that have everything on auto-responders and still promote. But…

…they’re masters of tracking. Every single person and email is tracked so they do know where everyone is, and that means they can make sure that if they promote a product launch they only promote it to people who aren’t being sold something else that day.

Here’s what I recommend you do:

  1. Check how many points of entry you have to your mailing list
  2. Check how long each auto-responder sequence is

If your sequences are just one or two weeks then it’s probably not going to cause you too much of an issue.

If your sequence are a month or longer then you need to consider how many emails each one is sending a week. If the emails are going out based on when someone joined your mailing list, then consider changing this to a fixed day each week.

By doing that you regain control over delivery of your emails because you know on Monday the auto-responder email for list A goes out, Tuesday is a free day to promote something else, Wednesday auto-responder email for list B goes out etc…

And then, when someone finishes an auto-responder sequence move them off that list and onto a Sequence Completed list.


Because you know then that you can send these people more emails on the day that has now become free because they finished the auto-responder sequence!

Don’t let your email marketing run away through your automation. Stay in control and don’t overload your list.

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