Writing An Ebook And Selling It In Just 15 Hours

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If you’re spending more than 15 hours writing an information product then you’re doing something wrong. It should not be taking you long and it’s perfectly possible to release one per week including all the sales copy and promotion.

Not only is it possible, it can be done quite easily and if you decide to follow what I’m about to outline then you’d find your business growing very quickly.

Right now I’m going to outline a method that you can take away which will show you how to do just this. In fact, this is pretty much a complete business model outlined below.

Read it through a few times before you get started and then if you like it and it works for you please share it and join my mailing list for more ways to improve your business.

If you don’t have a mailing list or affiliate partners who you can ask to send you traffic, then I would suggest you start by selling in forums such as the Warrior Forum.

Don’t be put off by its simplicity. If you implement what you find on this page then you will start to make a profit online.

For the purposes of this article I am going to take a week as starting on Monday and ending on Friday. In that time we’re going to put together a complete information product and sales page and have it ready to release in a forum. And here’s how…

Monday – Time spent 15 minutes

The first day of the week is our research and planning day. The first decision to make is what we’re going to write about. This doesn’t need to be a long drawn out process, it can be done very quickly but it should be something you know about. Don’t write about something you don’t know about because the quality won’t be good enough. As an example I’m going to use:

Building Profitable Adsense Sites

I run a few of these and I’m going to write a guide to doing this and I’m going to use the plan I’m writing here to do it.

Now we have a topic for our information product we now need to plan it out. I like to do this using a very quick and simple approach. Write a list of chapter headings.

For the Building Profitable Adsense Sites this would be:

  1. Getting Hosting
  2. Installing WordPress
  3. Plugins You Must Have
  4. Choosing A Theme
  5. Creating An Adsense Advert
  6. Putting Your Adsense On The Site
  7. How Much Content You Should Write
  8. Installing An Optin Form
  9. Creating A Landing Page
  10. Driving Traffic To Your Landing Page
  11. Getting Insane PageViews From A Small List
  12. Building An Adsense Empire

This list took me literally ten minutes. I simply went through all the major steps that need to be done in order to make these Adsense sites work. It doesn’t need to be perfect, and it may  change slightly, but that doesn’t matter. We just want to get the bare bones down as quickly as possible.

That’s all for today, fifteen minutes spent and we can spend the rest of the day relaxing.

Tuesday – Time spent 3-6 hours

There’s no point in hanging around. Let’s get writing 🙂

This is where the bulk of the time is going to be spent but… we’re going to do it all in one day!

How do we do this?

We don’t try and proof read as we go, we’ll come back and do that later. There’s a temptation to read each sentence as you write it. Don’t. Just write. There’ll be spelling mistakes, typos and bad grammar. It doesn’t matter, we’ll fix that later.

Your only goal today is to write the whole guide. Take each of the chapter headings you wrote yesterday and start writing the details for each one. This is very simply expanding on each of the headings you wrote to explain how to do it exactly.

Simple because you already have your chapter headings 🙂

I suggest that you go through in the same order that you wrote your chapters, this generally helps to write faster as the process is logical. This process is going to take you anything from three to six hours. Take a fifteen minute break for every ninety minutes of work (plus lunch of course) and you’ll find that you’ve completed your first ebook within one day!

Wednesday – Time spent 4 hours

Today we’re going to write the first draft of our sales page. The reason for this is that you spent yesterday writing your guide, you’re going to still have it in your mind.

When writing a sales page I suggest you sit down and write the first draft in one go. If you’re not comfortable writing a sales page then this is can be outsourced to someone else. However when using a copy writer remember that it my take them a few weeks to have the copy completed for you depending how busy they are.

Thursday – Time spent 2 hours

Today is the day that we edit your ebook. Open up your document and start reading it… out loud.

It doesn’t matter if you feel strange reading it out loud, it’s very important to do. When you read silently you interpret the information you already know and take shortcuts. As you wrote this book you know the information very well.

For other readers you want to be writing as if you’re having a friendly chat with them. That will make it much easier for them to absorb the information you’re giving them.

This is why we want to proof read our ebook by reading it out loud. Reading something out loud forces you to check if the sentences flow in a conversational way. As you read through your ebook make any changes and edits to make your information sound better. When you have finished proof reading save your ebook as a PDF, or whatever format you want to use and it’s ready for sale!

This usually takes around two hours, depending on the length of your ebook.

Friday – Time spent 3 hours

Today is our final day. So far we have written, proofed and printed our ebook in the format we want to use. Now we need to go through our sales letter and make the final adjustments. Do this in the same way that you went through your ebook. This will take around ninety minutes.

Next we need to setup a new list in our autoresponder for the buyers of this product and put in a welcome email with the book attached as a download.

Once you’ve done this make a thank you page that thanks your buyers and tells them an email is on its way with their guide. Personally I prefer to always write a thank you page rather than using default ones provider by autoresponders or payment processors. Depending on who you’re using to process your payments they may also provide a thank you page and download link which means you don’t need to do it. Warrior Plus is an example of a service that does this for you.

And now…

You need to put your sales page live and make a test purchase.

After you’re test purchase has gone through successfully you can congratulate yourself on having just made a product and got it up for sale in a week!

If you follow this guide then you can make a product and have it for sale in just over fifteen hours!

Taking action is the key to success in this business and now you have in your hands a model to start taking action. You can do this every week or every other week and begin to build up both your products and customers.

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