You couldn’t make this shit up

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Honestly, if I was writing this as an example of what-not-to-do, I’d get emails from people telling me there is no way this could happen.

I’m going to keep this email short, but to bring you up to speed…

I decided to try Post Planner, the well known social media posting tool.

After a few weeks of use, and setting up some scheduled posts in it that it’s suppose to use multiple times, I decided it wasn’t for me.

So I cancelled.

Or so I thought.

Nobody responded to my cancellation.

The software continued to post recycled posts to my social media accounts, I couldn’t find a way to stop it.

I removed all my accounts from the software.

It still posted to them.

I Tweeted them.

I Facebook’d them.

I emailed them again.

And I’ve done that a few times.

Finally I removed the approval for the software to post to my social media accounts from each account and I now get a bunch of failure messages every day.

Then I get this…

Are you friggin kidding me!

I know I’m hammering the point, but this has got under my skin. Spread the word to stay away from Post Planner.


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