8 Ways To Increase Your Pageviews

By Posted on 5 min read 1515 views

Have you ever heard the phrase…

Money Makes Money

Nothing is more true and in my experience it’s similar with website page views.  I haven’t read that in any of Google’s blogs or on any major SEO website, this is purely from my own experience and analytics. The more page views you have the more traffic I get from search engines.

This ties in perfectly with making money from our business. The more page views we get then the more clicks we’re going to get on our adverts and the more optins we’ll get to our mailing list.

If you run a site that relies on advertising revenue then as most advertising is charged on a CPM basis then focusing on creating more page views isn’t something you should do it is something you must do.

Here are the top XX ways to increase your websites page views.

1) Split articles of 900 words or more into multiple pages.

If you run a WordPress site you can split your post into multiple pages using the next page tag. On the Text tab in your post, at the point you want the content to stop until the next page, type in <!–nextpage–>.

You MUST type this in, not copy and paste. For some reason copying and pasting it doesn’t work.

There is one problem with this. If you have optins, author boxes social sharing etc… underneath each post then the page navigation will appear underneath all of that which makes it very unclear that the reader needs to go to the next page.

To overcome this we need to use a normal text hyperlink in its place. This could be:

Click here to continue reading…

Continue reading…

Go to the next page…

Awesomeness continued on the next page…

Try writing your own but make sure they’re dynamic and drive the reader to want to continue reading your article. The trick is in where we link the text to. Luckily WordPress makes things simple for us. If the URL for your post is…


Then to go to the second page you would link to…


If you had a second <!–nextpage–> tag then you would need a link to send people to the third page and that link would go to…


Of course, you can have as many pages as you like and you have now turned a single page into two or three page views from one.

2. Have Related Posts

You should have related posts linked underneath each of your posts. This would show three or four posts from your website that are similar in content to the your reader is reading. If they’re interested in your current post then some of them will click through to the other ones.

This can be done automatically and my preference is for the plugin YARRP.

YARRP also comes with a widget that allows you to put related posts into your sidebar.

3. Display Most Popular Posts

Displaying the most popular posts on your website can make a significant increase in your page views as people like to read what others have been interested in or what’s trending.

The more views your site has then the shorter the timeframe you can do trending over, although I wouldn’t recommend less than a week.

This count can be done and displayed automatically for you and I use WordPress Popular Posts to display this for me.

Check out the next five ways of increasing your page views… (Page 2 of 2)

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