For years, I’ve been telling people that their number one problem is failure to take action. People don’t succeed because they’re super-intelligent, or because they’re great with tech.
The people who succeed, succeed because they get off their ass and actually do something.
The majority of folk like to think that they want to do something. They play around with a few ideas, never really getting stuck into any of them, and the result is they never succeed.
You often see people complaining in forums that PPC doesn’t work, or solo ads don’t work. Heck, you can pretty much put anything in front of the words ‘doesn’t work’, and you’ll find someone who’s complaining about it not working.
Clearly they all work. People are using them successfully every day. Just because one person hasn’t got them to work, doesn’t mean that they don’t work.
The reality is… those folk have made a feeble attempt at something, without really committing to it, failed and then said it doesn’t work.
If you want to succeed, then you have to commit. You have to take action, and keep taking action, until you succeed. It’s the only way.
But that doesn’t mean it has to take over your life.
There’s this chap called Tom Beale, and he’s worked alongside the likes of Rich Schefren and Mike Filsaime. Today, he’s launching a product which finally takes on-board what I’ve been saying all these years!
The focus of the product?
Teaching you how to get a years work done in just twelve weeks.
It’s about helping you take action to achieve your most desired goals.
Yes, it’s gonna make you money. But it’s going to do that by literally forcing you to take action, and showing you how you can get more done in twelve weeks, than most people do in a year.
And that’s the true secret of success.
Check out video number one here.
You’ll be pleased you did 🙂
September 24, 2016Indeed!