For the last week I’ve been in Ireland with Holly. She’s examining over here and is pregnant, so I came over to drive her where she needs to go.
That means apart from breakfast and dinner, I’ve had the days to myself.
I decided before we left that I was going to write a book this week. A book which I’ve been planning for a little while, and shows step-by-step how to implement one of the simplest online business models in any niche.
More on that in another email 😉
As well as writing that book, I’ve also got my business to run and keep up to date with the consulting work I do.
But we’re staying places I’ve never been before, so I also wanted to make sure that I saw them.
Is it possible to do all that at the same time?
Yes indeedy.
It’s now day 6 and we’re heading home tomorrow. I’ve stayed on top of all my work and I’ve only got the finishing touches to put to the book.
(wind ruffles hair as he looks into the distant sunset)
I’d like to say that I was special. That I was awesome. But anybody can do this.
Most people’s productivity is piss poor. We’ve been conditioned to work in a completely unproductive way. Generally, although this is slowly changing, you’re paid to go to work. You’re not paid for the output you produce.
There are of course a few notable exceptions, such as freelancers.
Anyhoo… that’s the truth for most people.
When you’re paid to go to work instead of for your output, you learn to become unproductive. To earn the most money for the smallest amount of effort. You have cups of tea with your co-workers, chat by the water machine etc…
Well I like to enjoy my life to the max, which means I want to get done what needs to be done in the shortest amount of time, and then move on to something else.
And to do this you have to focus.
Now there’re are a bunch of things we can do in order to focus, but this is the biggest…
Turn off you friggin emails!
If an email notification comes in, it will take on average 15 minutes to get your brain back to where it was before that notification came in.
That’s from a scientific study. It’s not just me spouting random figures.
15 minutes!
How many email notifications do you get a day?
Yeah… that’s a lot of 15 minutes. Basically you’re getting bugger all done.
Turn off those email notifications on your computer, phone, tablet and every single device you have. Log out of your email accounts and pretend they don’t exist.
I guarantee that any serious emergency and you’ll get a phone call. Everything else can wait until you’ve finished what you’re doing.
This one technique will increase your output up to ten times because you focus on the job at hand without a single distraction.
Try it today. Turn everything off. Spend one or two hours focusing on what needs to be done. I guarantee you’ll do waaaaaay more than normal.
P.S. Once you’ve done that you may still have time to check out Rob’s nifty guide to forcing people to purchase your products:
Richard Bolinski
July 10, 2016Michael thank you for all your help
Michael Wilding
July 11, 2016My pleasure Richard
kitty bart
July 11, 2016Thank you for your notes on productivity I tried your instruction today and it does actually work productivity is way better when you cut yourself off from everything even if it’s for 2 or 3 hours thank you for that advice Michael I also would like to congratulate you and Holly and your Growing family
Michael Wilding
July 11, 2016Thanks Kitty, it’s amazing how much work you can get done when you turn everything off. I find I can do what most people do in a day in just a couple of hours!