Name Schname… Who Needs It!

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Yesterday there was a post in our private FB group by Eddie that I figured warranted an email.

I’ve recently said that I recommend you only collect email addresses if you want to maximise your squeeze page.

And it’s true.

If you want the best optin rate you can get, then you need to make sure you remove every possible barrier to people opting in. That includes only asking for the single most vital piece of information… the email.

Here’s what Eddie asked:

You say only ask for email addresses but when sending an email then, what is the best way greet the reader. I’ve always put Hi [FIRST NAME]. Should this just be Hi? Or is there a better way? Or maybe straight into the content?

The thing is… you don’t need to put a first name in an email to be personal. You just need to write in a conversational and friendly way.

Do you have one of those group emails with your friends at work?

You know the type. Someone sends an email in the morning saying what they’re up to that evening. Then everyone jumps in and you start organising shit.

Do you write their names at the top of every email?

Heck no. Life’s too short!

But you don’t feel that your friends don’t love you because of it.

The same thing applies to your email marketing. Think of an email like a slightly extended WhatsApp message. It’s personal, friendly but you sure as hell don’t need to be putting someones name at the top of every single one.



P.S. Rob Cornish’s interrup2Profit was awarded W+ Deal Of The Day by Mike Lantz yesterday. Awesome news and I’m stoked for him. But TBH I’m, not surprised.

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