This is EXACTLY what I’ve been talking about!

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I got a one sentenced email the other day:

Wast of time reading ur stupid emails

When I’ve said in the past that you don’t want everybody to stay on your mailing list, this is the perfect example of someone you want to leave.

They’ve opted in to receive my emails, opened almost every single one they’ve had for over a month, and then sent me this email.


Because I’m telling them how to actually build an online bizniss, rather than selling them some kind of junk ‘make a million’ tomorrow product.

If you have a reader who’s incapable of hitting the unsubscribe button for themselves, then you should damn well be doing it for them.

Me… I hit the unsubscribe button and then add them to my in-house blacklist so they can’t re-join. Ever.

I don’t need to waste my time with people like that, and neither do you. I’ve seen people, and even companies, spend hours of support time trying to persuade these type of folk that they really do want to get their emails, they really should take a look at their products.

It’s a waste of time.

They’re never gonna get it, they’re never gonna be successful and they’re gonna take up 80% of your time.

Just kick them out and move on.

And never, ever, take it personally 🙂



P.S. Some folk have been asking where they can get my book and monthly magazine, I drop the link in almost every email, but if you’ve missed it, here it is.

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