8 Steps To Thousands Of Twitter Followers

By Posted on 4 min read 1941 views

The weather is absolutely horrendous in the UK. Here’s a view from my office window:

We didn’t get April showers, but we’re sure as hell getting them in June!

All I’m praying is that on the 20th July it’s going to be a beautiful sunny day. We have our yearly BBQ that day, and most of the time it rains. Last year it was beautiful, and I’m hoping we can repeat that this year.

Anyway, today I want to share with you my Twitter strategy.

I have refined this in the last few months, based on changes at Twitter and some of the software I used to use having been shut down by Twitter.

What’s interesting is that my new approach is actually much more effective.

And you’re going to be amazed at it’s simplicity!

Here’s my Twitter account, and it’s growing at a rate of 100-200 followers a day currently.

I use two tools, one paid and one free.

The paid tool is called Tweepi, and you can get it at https://tweepi.com/

You only need the basic package which is $12.99 per month.

This tool will find people that you should follow. It’s not just searching for people using the same hastags or interests as you though. It’s looking for people who are most likely to follow you back when you follow them, which is key.

It will also show you who to unfollow.

You should also use the Tweepi Bulk Action plugin for Chrome, which is available for free at:


This will prevent you from having to do a lot of clicking!

When you login you come to a dashboard which looks like:

You can see it’s a very simple layout, clicking on either the Follow or Unfollow will bring you a page like this:

You have to click on the Follow buttons for each user. 

Except you don’t with the Tweepi Bulk Action plugin, simply open the page, click on the extension icon in your browser, and it hits all the buttons for you!

Tweepi works by adding all the people you should follow to a list on your Twitter account. This is because it now violates Twitter’s policy to auto follow people outside of Twitter.

You then have to go into your Twitter account, go to the list:

Click on the list and then click on the members in the list:

This will bring you the list of people that you have added to the list through Tweepi.

You then have to click on all the Follow buttons. Which is kind of a ball ache. Particiularly because Twitter has limits on how many people you can follow. Sometimes you may be able to follow hundreds, other times only a handful.

Which is why, you may notice, I have an automatic button clicker on the top right of the screen. This runs through all of the Follow buttons and clicks them for me. 

Even better, it will run in a tab of my browser while I get on and do somethinbg else!

You will be pleased to hear this is another free tool called Mass follow for Twitter, and you can add it to your Google Chrome browser at https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mass-follow-for-twitter/lfmanfkmmgfigbnjibfemdnnfjboficn?hl=en

Hit the Follow All button and let it work it’s magic.

The schedule I follow for Twitter every day is this…

1) Clear the Twitter list through Tweepi with one click

2) Add recommended Followers to list through Tweepi

3) Use the Follow Followers Of to add as many people as I can to the list before Twitter blocks me adding more. Simply put the username of someone in your niche with a big following

4) Go to Twitter list and start automatic following everyone

5) Unfollow everyone recommended by Tweepi

6) Go through Reply and Like recommendations and take action on those I want to, skip those I don’t.

7) Skip re-tweet recommendations (I don’t like re-tweeting)

8) Check in a few times a day for more Unfolllows to be recommended

In order to speed up the process of adding people to your Twitter list in step three, I apply a filter which doesn’t show anybody I am already following or who is already following me. 

By default Tweepi will only show 50 users on a page, increase that to 100, and if you’re getting less than 100 regularly, skip forward ten pages.

Once a day write a Tweet, preferably with an image. Mix it between personal, business and fun.

Use sequences of tweets, a method I shared with full members a couple of weeks ago, to get maximum interaction to your off Twitter pages.

All of this takes around 20 minutes a day, and will massively grow your following.

Simple and effective!

Have a great day,

The Online Hustle

P.S. Join the full Online Hustle at https://michaelwilding.com/join-the-online-hustle-clean/

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