REJECTED. That’s the message I kept getting yesterday

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Yesterday I mentioned that I was starting to drive traffic again using traffic networks.

I got my first two campaigns up yesterday, and requested for them to be validated.

What came back:



There’s a virus scam on your website.


So I contacted the affiliate network and they said that’s not true.


I created a campaign which was directing traffic to one of my own websites.

It went in for verification and…

REJECTED: There’s a virus scam on your website.

I forgot to mention, along with each of these was a warning that if this happeed twice, my account for the traffic network would be banned.

In this situation, most new affiliates would stop trying, or they’d start getting worried.

And quite reasonably.

And yes… I got a little bit concerned as well.

However, the only thing that linked both campaigns was the tracking software.

So I contacted the traffic network and asked them if they were sure this flag wasn’t the tracking software?

The answer…

Yes. Sorry. We’ve validated your campaigns.

What a lot of hassle over nothing!

Although I am now considering changing the tracking software I’m using before I put them live.

I’m currently using BeMob, primarily because it’s free for the first 100,000 events.

But I’ll probably go back to using Voluum, which is by far the best tracker out there.


Today we want to focus on how to know our audience inside out, even if we don’t know anything about them.

It can be done quickly and easily using a marketing persona.

You want to create at least two personas, one male and one female.

The 12 steps to marketing personas are inside this evening’s Online Hustle members newsletter.

Become a full member and get the full newsletter Tuesday-Friday for just five bucks.


The Online Hustle

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