Falling off a flying trapeze

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Last weekend I eventually gave in.

One of my friends from drama school, has been trying to get me to go and learn the flying trapeze for years. He does it three or four times a week, and absolutely loves it.

So, having moved out of London, he eventually managed to persuade me to go and do something in London.

It’s funny how, when you move out of a city, suddenly you actually do more things in that city, than you ever did when you lived there.

You kinda take everything for granted when you’re there. You kinda think… “well I can do that anytime I want.”

But you never actually get around to doing it.


I bloody loved it.

It was truly an awesome two hours, and I’m going to be going more regularly from now on.

We learned how to hang from a bar upside down, using our knees, and did a catch mid air.

You can see me doing it in my new YouTube channel here.

And, just for the record, I’m going to be posting some more stuff up in that channel (most of it to do with marketing), so you may want to Follow it 😉

There was something I learnt very quickly on the flying trapeze. If you wanted to do it, then you had to trust the instructor and just jump.


They would tell you when to jump, when to spin, hook your knees, stretch out, catch and let go.

If you didn’t think about it, and just followed what they said, it was’t so hard. Because they know what they’re doing.

And it’s the same with internet marketing.

There are loads of people who’re standing on the edge, too afraid to jump off, planning and planning and planning, but never actually doing.

But that doesn’t work.

You’ve simply got to jump, otherwise nothing will ever change for you.

And, if you’d like me to be the one shouting instructions to you when you jump, you’re going to want to register on the early-bird list for my new book and newsletter.


Because I’m going to be opening the doors to early-birds tomorrow. And I may have a rather nice surprise for you 😉

It’s time to jump.


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